Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

075 Marketing

Specialty 075 Marketing

Field of knowledge 07 Management and administration

Levels of higher education first (bachelor’s), second (master’s) 

Educational programs: “Marketing”, “Marketing of innovations”, “Advertising business and media communications”, “International marketing”.

Marketer is one of the most promising, most popular and most prestigious professions at the present stage of development
labor market of any country

The uniqueness of marketers lies in their versatility and versatility. Studying a full range of basic economic and professional-oriented disciplines (related to market research, commodity policy formation, pricing, communication and promotion policy formation, distribution and sales policy management, project management, international activities, etc.), marketers are important “players” for today’s market: they know what consumers need; understand how profitable it is to sell a product; can increase the company’s profits through the use of modern tools of the latest marketing management systems.

Employment opportunities:

  • manufacturing companies
  • dealer networks, banks, insurance, leasing, consulting firms
  • agricultural holdings,
    agricultural and processing enterprises
  • trade and services

Marketers are specialists:

  • on marketing research
  • sales and logistics
  • advertising, copywriting
  • consulting
  • in the field of communications and information
  • Marketing Director
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Internet marketer
  • brand manager
  • image maker, advertiser
  • interviewer, promoter
  • trend-watcher
  • merchandiser, agent

Areas of marketing:

  • project management
  • formation of product and pricing policies of the firm
  • supply and sales
  • consumer behavior
  • analysis of activities (commodity markets, insurance, banking, agriculture)
  • customer relationships
  • advertising design
  • branding and PR
  • Creative Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • industrial marketing