Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Future mechanical technicians pass state certification

The end of June every year is an exciting and responsible time both for students – graduates of “Vovchansky Vocational College of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture” and for the entire teaching staff. Applicants complete their studies bypassing the state certification for compliance of the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the state standards of training of EQL junior specialists in the specialty 208 “Agroengineering” and the qualification of “technician-mechanic”.

For the staff of the college – is an indicator of scientific, pedagogical, methodological, organizational, and other work during the academic period.

The State Examination Commission is satisfied with the preparation and defense of diploma projects of our junior specialists – mechanical technicians and is confident that in the future the professional level of graduates will help them continue their studies in their chosen specialty and allow them to use their knowledge during professional activities.

Directorate of Vovchansk Vocational College of KhNTUA