Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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It was established in 2006 under the leadership of Professor Hryhoriy Maznev.

The creative team of the research laboratory has developed original technologies for growing many crops.

The Department of Production Organization, Business and Management has many years of experience in developing technological maps for growing crops.

The scientific level of technological maps and their importance for agricultural production is characterized by the fact that in the spring of 2001 the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Agroindustrial Complex Ivan Kyrylenko and the Chairman of the Profile Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Kateryna Vashchuk held a meeting with departments of agro-industrial complex and scientists on the introduction of scientifically sound technologies for growing crops with the presentation and dissemination of technological maps developed by the staff of the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management KhNTUA.

Technological maps developed by the creative team of the department have been widely used in farms of the Kharkiv region and the whole of Ukraine.

For use in scientific work technological maps adopted by such research institutions:

— Department of Economics and Land Relations of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine;

— NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” NAASU;

— NSC “Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after O. Sokolovskii”;

— NSC “Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture”;

— Leonid Pogorilii Ukrainian Research Institute for Forecasting and Testing of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production;

— V. Yuryev Institute of Plant Breeding of NAASU;

— Institute of Vegetable and Melon NAASU;

— Lviv Research Center for Agricultural Productivity;

— Western Research Center for Agricultural Productivity.

Technological maps have been put into production since 2001. Their use in the practical work of agricultural enterprises in the Kharkiv region alone has provided an actual economic effect of over UAH 32 million, which is confirmed by the relevant act of the Main Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv region.

The developments of the Research Laboratory have been repeatedly recognized as winners of leading domestic and international scientific competitions and exhibitions, in particular, diplomas and gold medals of the exhibitions “Agro-2009” and “Agro-2011”, the exhibition “Colorful Ukraine”, the international salon patents and know-how, as well as other awards.

In 2006-2014, the research laboratory “Substantiation of innovative agricultural technologies” received 7 Gold Medals and 7 diplomas of the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition “BEST DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF THE YEAR” for the monograph:

1. Technological maps and costs for growing crops with different resources / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: KhNTUА, 2006 – 725 p.

2. Innovative resource-saving technologies: monograph / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: KhNTUА, 2007 – 385 p.

3. Advanced technologies for growing fodder crops / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: Maidan Publishing House, 2008 – 333 p.

4. Soybean growing technologies for conditions of the different financial conditions of producers / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: Maidan Publishing House, 2008 – 146 p.

5. Innovative resource-saving technologies for rapeseed cultivationу / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: Maidan Publishing House, 2008 – 143 p.

6. Advanced technologies of vegetable production for industrial processing / Ed. D. Mazorenko and G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: Miskdruk Publishing House, 2009 – 270 p.

7. Innovative resource-saving technologies: efficiency in the conditions of the different financial conditions of agricultural formations / / For order. Professor G. Maznev. – Kharkiv: Maidan Publishing House, 2015 – 592 p.