Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Drum spreader of organic fertilizers from a roll

Drum spreader of organic fertilizers from a roll
The spreader of organic fertilizers contains a spreading working body in the form of a drum 1 with disks 2, between which are rigidly attached blades 3 and knives 4; frame 5 with hitch 6 and support wheels 7 with height adjustment mechanism, front 8 and adjustable spring-loaded side 9 shields, spring-loaded plate 10 with springs 11 and guide shields forming upper and lower ejection windows, cardan gear 12 with safety clutch 13.
Drum spreader of organic fertilizers from a roll
The spreader works this way. During the movement of the unit formed by the swather roller enters the spreader in the capture zone of the front 8 and side 9 boards, after which the fertilizer enters the working area of the drum 1 and the side board 9. Knives 4 grind fertilizers, interactions with the spring-loaded plate are transferred to its edge, after which their ascent begins in the desired direction.
In the event of foreign objects (stones and the like) between the drum 1 and the spring-loaded plate 10, the latter is deflected and into the gap formed passes foreign objects without damaging the working bodies. The presence of disks 2 on the drum 1 contributes to the fact that large foreign objects can not be completely captured by the blades.
  Drum spreader of organic fertilizers from a roll
Technical performance of the spreader:
  • productivity per hour of main time, hа/h 3,5…9,0;
  • grip width, m 30;
  • working speed, km/h 2,5…7,0;
  • application dose, t/hа 10…80;
  • uneven distribution of fertilizers, % 22;
  • aggregated by class tractors 3,0; 5,0.
 Author’s certificates № 1813330; 1741637; 1531884

Authors of development:Ph.D. Makieiev N., Ph.D. Anikieiev O., Sen. Lect. Romanashenko O., Sen. Lect. Krasnorutskyi O.