Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Competition “Brand Story”

Dear students!

Do you like marketing? We too!

As true marketers, we believe that our main task:

  • meet needs;
  • anticipate desires;
  • exceed expectations.

So, to your attention our new competition «Brand Story».

Who can participate in the competition? Anyone who wants to be realized in marketing, try their hand at solving real cases and demonstrate their talents.

Theme of the competition:Branding as a component of marketing activities“, during which it will be necessary to “create” your own marketing agency, conduct marketing research of the target market of a particular brand, develop a concept of brand development and promotion.

The expected result is the honing of practical skills of marketing students in the field of branding, marketing, and marketing communications.

Deadline for submission of competition works:

І-st round – to 30.12.2020

ІІ-nd round – to 15.01.2021

Working languages of the competition: Ukrainian, English.

What to do to participate in the competition “Brand Story”?:

І-st Stage

  1. Create the concept, positioning, naming and identity of your marketing agency.
  2. Prepare representative and communication materials of the agency (business cards, booklet, etc.).
  3. Present to the jury agency (remotely, based on the Google Meet platform).

At this stage, the best works will be selected for the second round of the competition.

ІІ-nd Stage

  1. Conduct a marketing analysis of the target market of a particular brand (options will be issued to each team separately).
  2. Develop solutions to create or develop a brand.
  3. Develop solutions to promote the brand.
  4. Present the draft branding process to a reputable jury (remotely, based on the Google Meet platform).
  5. To win a place on the pedestal of honor and in the heart of our department.

Class! I want to take part!

Quickly create your team (3-5 students), complete the tasks of the first round and send the results to the e-mail address of the organizing committee of the competition:

If you have any questions

Contacts of the organizing committee of the competition:

Head – Head of the Department of Marketing and Media Communications, Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Professor, Mandych Oleksandra, tel. 0504843130 (Viber).

Competition coordinators:

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Marketing and Media Communications Babko Natalia, tel. 0973324513 (Viber, Telegram);

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Marketing and Media Communications Romaniuk Iryna, tel. 0662900008 (Viber, Telegram);

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Marketing and Media Communications Kviatko Tetiana, tel. 0683193817 (Viber).