Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the department

The Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities were founded in 2016 as part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems. Doctor of Economics Levkina Ruslana has been appointed the head of the department.

The mission of the department:
The Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities were established to provide training in the field of knowledge “Management and Administration” in the new specialty “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities”. The educational process is provided by the scientific and pedagogical staff of 100% of which are doctors and candidates of sciences. The main purpose of the department is to provide the most modern level of education, development of the best national and international educational standards, by the challenges of today and the vector of development of our country, using the latest scientific achievements in business and trade, both theoretically and practically by the requirements of world and European systems of trade relations.
Improving the quality of teaching is facilitated by scientific research of teachers of the department, who regularly participate in international scientific and practical conferences, publish articles in domestic and foreign publications, improve their skills in research and educational institutions.
The main direction of the scientific work of the department is: “Scientific and methodological support for the development of socio-economic systems in agricultural business in the turbulence of the national economy and integration processes”.
Lecturers of the department together with managers and specialists of agrarian business of Kharkiv region conduct field trips on the organization of trade, starting your own business and managing business efficiency, enter into agreements on the industrial and professional practice of students, their employment.
Cooperation with scientific institutions has wide geography: NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” NAASU; NSC “Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry. O.N. Sokolovsky “; Institute of Plant Breeding NAASU. V.Ya. Юрьева; Institute of Vegetable and Melon NAASU; National University of Colorado, USA (Colorado State University, USA); the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia.

The department trains specialists in the specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”.

Disciplines taught at the department:

1.    Levkina Ruslana


  1. Currency market and currency transactions
  2. Fundamentals of Commodity Science
  3. Global and regional markets
  4. Commodity (food and non-food)
  5. International Trade and Business Management
  6. Entrepreneurship in FEA
2. Hirzheva Olha


  1. Finance and credit
  2. Commodity Market Infrastructure
  3. Business Economics
  4. Entrepreneurial activity in AIP
  5. Operational management of trade and exchange activities
3. Kolomiiets Nataliia
  1. Corporate social responsibility and economic security of business entities
  2. Modeling the development of the commodity and stock market
  3. Trading Strategies
  4. Basics of entrepreneurship and starting your own business
  5. AIP Business Strategies and Development
  6. Managing Strategic Development in Business and Commerce
  7. Efficiency of innovation
  8. Trade activities of AIP entities
4. Petrenko Anna


  1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
  2. Venture business
  3. Information and analytical support of innovation in the agro-industrial sphere
  4. Quality management in business
5.    Khloponina-Hnatenko Olha


  1. Contractual relations in business
  2. Service business
  3. Marking, falsification and customs clearance of agricultural products
  4. Business History
  5. Leadership, business partnership
  6. Business Risks
  7. Business planning and performance evaluation
  8. Management of intellectual entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial sphere
6.    Riasnianska Alona
  1. Exchanges and Exchange Activities
  2. Stock Analysis
  3. Commodity and stock market
  4. Business Competitiveness Management
  5. Trucking Company Management (MSM)
  6. Methodology and organization of scientific research
  7. Product Innovation Policy
  8. Basics of trading and exchange activities
  9. Evaluation activities
10.  Kotko Yana
  1. Trade Technologies
  2. Introduction
  3. World trade in agricultural products

Training in the specialty “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”:
Entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities are a new specialty for the training of competent professionals, which covers a full range of knowledge on the development of ideas, organization, and implementation of their own business.
The creation of such a specialty is due to the needs of the market environment and the state of the economy in Ukraine. The need of the country for highly qualified specialists who can establish and competently develop their own business in the field of production and trade, provide quality services and carry out operations on commodity exchanges is constantly growing. Graduates of this specialty will be able to realize themselves in various fields of economic activity.
Entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange are specialties for those who want to develop and confidently climb the career ladder.
Thanks to the existing integration ties, students are provided with bases of practice at the enterprises of trade, production, and in the sphere of services, both in Ukraine and abroad..

The advantages of studying at KNTUA in this specialty are:
– strong teaching staff;
– teaching in different foreign languages;
– international recognition of the diploma:
– the widest range of choice of professions;
– access to a wide base of information resources;
– various forms of education, including training and master classes with entrepreneurs;
– internships and internships in Ukraine and abroad, in particular at enterprises in Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland, and many other countries;
– the opportunity to receive parallel technical education;
– accommodation in the best dormitories of the city with the most comfortable conditions for study and rest, which have a favorable location in the center of Kharkiv;
– a strong system of cooperation with students, including amateur art, various clubs;
– well-developed sports training of students, there are 3 gyms, sections on football, basketball, tennis, etc.

The graduate will be able to work in the following positions:
– director of a small enterprise (by type of economic activity);
– director of the enterprise for the provision of services (consulting, insurance, advertising, etc.);
– head of the agency: insurance, real estate, advertising, etc .;
– head of the service sector enterprise;
– director of a small trading company;
– head of the trading hall;
– manager in the field of retail and wholesale trade;
– manager of catering enterprises;
– expert commodity expert;
– specialist in product consulting;
– specialist in stock trading;
– broker;
– dealer;
– specialist in exchange operations;
– quality or standardization engineer.

The department participates in the international exchange program for teachers (University of Colorado, USA) Faculty exchange program-2012 (Colorado State Universi-ty 27/07/2012-14/12/2012)