Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Businesslike and constructive

Today at the meeting of the Rector’s Office the reporting of the heads of the university departments on the work in 2020-2021 continued. This time the reports were compiled by representatives of the Institute of Technical Service and the Institute of Processing and Food Production, who were acquainted with the results of the work of their teams on key indicators. There are eight of them, but, of course, the activity of the departments is not limited to these indicators. Therefore, the heads of departments had something to report, supporting their reports with specific figures, graphs, and illustrations.

It is nice to note that during the reporting period, despite the quarantine restrictions, all departments conducted active scientific and research work. This is evidenced by the number of articles published in domestic and foreign publications, the number of published manuals, textbooks, and teaching materials, as well as the number of scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

It is worth noting that in almost all departments of KhNTUA their leaders and staff pay great attention to attracting students to research, so over the past year the number of students who participated in national and international competitions and became their winners has increased significantly.

Thanking the heads of departments for their work, the rector of the university O. Nanka also drew attention to the need to increase executive discipline among staff and take into account the comments made by members of the administration. “The main task of our university is to become stronger and better every year, improving the quality of its work. So far we are succeeding,” said the rector, “but we can not stop there and have ambitious plans for the future. In achieving these plans. the key role is given to the staff of the departments “.

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