On July 6, 2021, a meeting of the commission on the reorganization of KhNTUA, established to implement the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 18.06.2021 № 689 “On the establishment of the State Biotechnology University” and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 25.06.2021 № 717. Tikhonchenko, to whom, by the current legislation, in particular, Article 105 of the CCU, all powers to manage a higher education institution as a legal entity under public law have now been transferred. The meeting was attended by members of the commission, the Action Plan for the reorganization of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was adopted and approved, as well as some organizational and managerial decisions to ensure its timely implementation.
The first meeting of the commission on reorganization of KhNTUA took place
Kovalev / ХНТУСГ