Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en
Zotova Olga
lecturer of departament of Higher Mathematics

Zotova Olga

Education and career


2001 – Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin, specialty: “Mathematics”, teacher of mathematics and computer science.


2001-2009 – KhSTUA, assistant of the department of higher mathematics;

Since 2009 – KhNTUA, senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics.


Educational activities

Teaches training courses:

  • “Higher mathematics”.


Research activities

Research interests:

Investigation of the influence of the electromagnetic field of the microwave range on living organisms and biological structures.


Number of publications

More than 40 scientific and scientific-methodical publications;

scientific articles -10;

textbooks – 10.



Patents of Ukraine – 5.