Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Yakovenko Dmitro

Education and career


1995 – Vocational School №13, specialty: “PC Operator”, specialist, PC operator;

2001 – KSEU, specialty: “Business Economics”, engineer-economist;


1995-1996 – Kharkiv Regional Tax Administration, PC operator;

2002 – KhSTUA, specialist of the planning department;

2005 – KhNTUA, head of the Center of Information Technologies;

2012 – KhNTUA, assistant of the Department of Cybernetics.


Educational activities

Teaches training courses:

  • “Computer Science”;
  • “Information systems and technologies”;
  • “Applied computer technology”;
  • “Information and communication technologies”;
  • “Information systems and technologies in marketing”.


Research activities

Research interests:

application of modern information systems and technologies in business; e-commerce.

Scientific work:

supervisor of scientific work of students;

recovery of information from digital media.