Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Saychuk Oleksandr
Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service
Doctor of Engineering

Saychuk Oleksandr


    • 2000 – Diploma with honors CDTUSG in the specialty “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”.


    • 2001 – Diploma with honors KhDTUSG in the specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, qualification “Master in Mechanization of Agriculture”


    • 2010 – defended his dissertation “Increasing the durability of parts by combined processing and alloying using a laser beam” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences and worked as an associate professor of technological systems of repair production.


    • 2012 – received the academic title of associate professor of TSRV.


    2018 – defended his dissertation “Theoretical and technological foundations of management of the structure and properties of cast iron for various functional purposes” for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.


    • 2000-2004 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Machine Repair of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.


    • 2004-2005 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Car Repair of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.


    • 2005-2009 – Assistant of the Department of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery.


    • 2009-2011 – Assistant of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.


    • 2011-2017 – Associate Professor of Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.


    • 2017-present – Director of the ESI TS.


    • 2019 – Professor of Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.


    2019 – Expert on accreditation of educational thresholds of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

Educational activities

    • – Entry to the profession;


    • – Technological systems of repair production;


    • – Installation, diagnostics, and repair of PVC equipment;


    • – Repair of machinery and equipment;


    • – Ensuring the efficiency of electrical equipment of modern mobile equipment.


    • Management of qualification works of masters.


    Scientific guide for graduate students.

Research activities

    • Research interests: “Problems of research, scientific substantiation and implementation of competitive technologies”, “Development of coatings using nanotechnology”, “Quality analysis and development of effective technological processes for the production of cylinder liners”, “Development of quality control methods for parts during their production, restoration and operation. Development of defective standards “,” Calculation of heating parameters of metal molds for casting products on centrifugal machines in industrial frequency inductors (for rolls and cylinder liners) “.


    He has more than 113 scientific works, including 8 declarative patents of Ukraine for utility models, 2 monographs, 2 textbooks, 3 workshops, and 2 textbooks.

International activities

  • Passed scientific and pedagogical internship at the Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland)


    • Laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine among young scientists in 2003.


    • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 2005


    • Excellent technical service 2006


    • Excellence in Education of Ukraine 2008


    • Award of the Charitable Foundation “Renaissance of the Cossacks” named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 2012.


    • Order of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church 2013


    • Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Council 2018


    • Honorary Award of the Ukrainian section of the International Police Association 2019.


    • Medal “For selfless service to science” of the all-Ukrainian association “Kraina” 2019.


    Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration 2020