Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en
Piven Mykhailo
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of Machine Parts and Lifting and Transport Machines

Piven Mykhailo

Education and career


1996 – the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, specialty: “Mechanization of Agriculture”, a mechanical engineer.

2008 – Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture: specialty: 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production, candidate of technical sciences.


2000 – KhSTUA, assistant of the department of machine parts and hoisting and transport machines;

2006 – KhNTUA, Associate Professor of the Department of Machine Parts and Hoisting and Transport Machines;

2015 – KhNTUA, Associate Professor of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics.


Educational activities

Teaches training courses:

  • “Theoretical mechanics”;
  • “Technical Mechanics”;
  • “Applied mechanics”;
  • “Theory of mechanisms and machines”.


Research activities

Research interests:

Processes of sieve separation of grain mixtures by flat vibrating and cylindrical vibrocentric sieves with rippers; the processes of loading vibrating screens and their connection with the kinematic parameters of the mixture flow.

Scientific work:

Supervisor of graduate students and masters.


Social activities 

Guidance of students – participants of All-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions in special disciplines;

Director of the Ukrainian-Polish Agrarian Technical Center.


Awards and prizes

2008 – Excellence in Education of Ukraine.


Number of publications 

More than 70 scientific and scientific-methodical publications;

scientific articles – 60;

monographs – 2;

textbooks – 2.



Patents of Ukraine – 4.