Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Mitiashkina Tetiana

Education and career

1995 – Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans, specialty: “Teacher of drawing, fine arts, and artistic work”. Career
1994 – 2002 – teacher of drawing and art at school №6, Kharkiv.
2002-2006 – KhNTUA, specialist, assistant of the department of descriptive geometry and drawing.
2010 – Lecturer at the Department.
2012-2014 – UEPA teacher in the following areas:

  • “Design”;
  • “Painting”;
  • “Drawing”.

2010 – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 015 Professional Education (by specializations) (13.00.04 – Theory and Methods of Vocational Education), Doctor of Philosophy.

Educational activities

Teaches training courses:

  • “Descriptive geometry and computer graphics”;
  • “Engineering and computer graphics”;
  • “Computer modeling”.

Research activities

Research work in the field of “Methodology for studying descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics in technical universities.”

International activity / participation in international projects
Hochschule Heilbronn University hosted a refresher course, in which T. Mitiashkina took part  (In Hochshule Heilbronn, Max-Planck-Str. 39).

Social activities
Volunteer of the Robotics Olympiad. in Baden-Württemberg (May 12, 2018), section: “Lego – robotics – children”.

Awards and prizes
Diploma of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Number of publications
More than 100 publications.