Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Manilo Vadim


    • 2004 – Diploma of KhSTUA in the field of “Mechanical Engineering” and received a bachelor’s degree in engineering mechanics.
    • 2005 – Diploma of KhNTUA in the specialty “Equipment of processing and food production”, and qualified as a mechanical engineer.
    • 2007-2010 – postgraduate studies.


    • 2005 – laboratory assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production.
    • 2007 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production.
    • 2007 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production.
    • 2011 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production.
    • 2014 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.

Educational activities

    • Teaches the following disciplines:
    – Automated design. technological processes of repair production
    – Installation, diagnostics and repair of PVC equipment
    – Car repair
    – Technological systems of repair production
    – Automated design of technological processes.

Research activities

    • Research interests: “Problems of research, scientific substantiation and implementation of competitive technologies”, “Development of coatings using nanotechnologies”, “Development of methods for quality control of parts during their production, restoration and operation. Development of defective norms “.
    • He has about 80 scientific works, of which: 2 patents of Ukraine for utility models, 8 textbooks, and 56 methodological developments.