Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Levkin Artur

Education and career 


1991 – Kharkiv State University named after O.M. Gorky, specialty: “Radiophysics and Electronics”,

research engineer-radiophysicist.

2007 – KNURE, Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty: 05.11.17 – “Biological and medical devices and systems”.


1991-1992 – Kharkiv Institute of Radio Engineering Measurements, junior researcher;

1992 – KhIMEA, assistant of the department of technical cybernetics;

2000-2009 – KhDTUA, methodologist of the educational and methodical center;

2007 – KhNTUA, Associate Professor of Technical Cybernetics.

2009-2017 – KhNTUA, head of the educational and methodical department;


Educational activities 

Teaches training courses:

  • “Computer Science”;
  • “Information systems and technologies”;
  • “Mathematical modeling”;
  • “Applied Mathematics”;
  • “Operations Research”;
  • “Optimization of management decisions”.


Research activities 

Research interests:

Automation of biotechnological processes in agricultural production;

development of biotechnological and medical devices and systems;

development, improvement of methods, and means of making managerial decisions.

Scientific work:

Guidance of students – participants of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in “Entrepreneurship”.


Social activities

Guidance of students – participants of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in “Entrepreneurship”.


Number of publications

More than 100 scientific and methodological publications;

scientific articles – 80;

monographs – 6 (4 in English, abroad);

textbooks – 1.



More than 10 patents of Ukraine and copyright certificates.