Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Chaly Ihor

Education and career


1981 – Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty: “Dynamics and strength of machines”, mechanical engineer-researcher;

1988-1990 – postgraduate studies at KhIMEA;

1992 – KhIMEA, specialty: “Mechanization of agricultural production”, Candidate of Technical Sciences.


1981-1984 – KhPI, Department of Wheeled and Tracked Machines, Engineer;

1984 – Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Department of Technical Cybernetics, Engineer;

1987 – KhIMEA, junior researcher;

1987-1992 – KhIMEA, assistant of the department of technical cybernetics;

1992-2001 – KhIMEA, senior lecturer at the Department of Technical Cybernetics;

from 2001 to the present – KhSTUA, Associate Professor of Cybernetics.


Educational activities 

Teaches training courses::

  • “Computer Science”;
  • “Information systems and technologies”;
  • “Applied computer technology”;
  • “Internet”;
  • “E-commerce”;
  • “Information systems and technologies in marketing”.


Research activities

Research interests:

Application of modern information systems and technologies in business, e-commerce, e-government. New active teaching methods. Computerized technologies and systems of publishing, printing, and packaging industries.

Scientific work:

Supervisor of students on the subject of the department. Publications of scientific articles in domestic and foreign publications.


Number of publications

More than 120 scientific and scientific-methodical publications;

scientific articles – 40;

monographs – 2;

textbooks – 5.



Patents of Ukraine – 15.