Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Babay Lydmila

Education and career


1988 – Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute named after GS Skovorodi;

1992 – Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute named after GS Skovorodi;

2006 – Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Skovorodi;

2007 – Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin.


1996 – Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv national technical university of agriculture, senior lecturer at the Department of Language Training.

Educational activities

Teaches courses:

  • “Ukrainian language of professional orientation”;
  • “Ukrainian as a foreign language”;
  • “Language of instruction”.

Research activities

Scientific interests:

  • linguistics, teaching the Ukrainian language using information technology;
  • formation of communicative competence of students of non-language specialties in the process of learning the Ukrainian language;
  • Philology, pedagogy.

Scientific work:

  • participation in scientific and research-to-practice events (seminars, conferences, forums);
  • publication of scientific works;
  • supervision of students` research work.

International activity / participation in international projects

Member of the public organization “Association of English Teachers “TISOL-UKRAINE”;

Social activities

Guidance of students – participants in competitions in   International Ukrainian language and literature.

Number of publications

  • Publications of scientific and scientific and methodological nature more than145 ;
  • scientific articles -105;
  • of monographs – 1.