Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Avetisian Viktor
Head of the laboratory
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Avetisian Viktor


    1970 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of agricultural production” and received a diploma with honors as a mechanical engineer of agriculture.
    In 1993 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.20.03 “Operation, restoration and repair of agricultural machinery” on the topic “Restoration of the mirror of engine cylinder liners by the combined process of boring and surface plastic deformation” and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
    1995 – received the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars and agricultural machinery.
    2007 – received a doctorate.


    1970 – 1972 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Descriptive Geometry of Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.
    1972 – 1974 – Assistant of the Department of Descriptive Geometry of Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.
    1974 – 1977 – Postgraduate student of the department of repair of tractors, cars and agricultural machines.
    1977 – 1989 – Assistant of the Department of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery.
    1989 – 1995 – Art. lecturer at the Department of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery.
    1995 – 2015 – Associate Professor of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery.
    2015 – present – Head of Laboratories of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production.

Educational activities

    He taught the following disciplines:
    – Technological systems of repair production;
    – Economics of repair production;
    – Production processes in the manufacture and restoration of machine parts;
    – Design of repair companies.
    Supervises the qualification work of masters and student practice.

Research activities

    Research interests: “Problems of research, scientific substantiation and implementation of competitive technologies”, “Development of effective technological processes of restoration of details of agricultural machinery”.
    He has more than 127 scientific works and educational and methodical works, including: 16 copyright certificates and patents, 7 textbooks, 15 textbooks.


    – Bronze Award of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements in 1985
    – Distinguished Technical Service 2007
    – Gold and silver medals of 2008 at the IV International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”, “Sustainable Development in Times of Change”.
    – Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2009.
    – Gratitude of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine in 2012