Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Results of the creative competition

In March 2021, Global Money Week was held in Ukraine for schoolchildren and students of higher education institutions – a series of educational events for children and youth in the field of financial awareness. This event was launched in 2012 in Ukraine and is held in more than 170 countries at the initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The official coordinator of Global Money Week 2021 events in Ukraine is the National Bank of Ukraine, as a representative of Ukraine in the International Network of Financial Education of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and a member of the International Working Group Global Money Week at the OECD.

KhNTUA also took part in the celebration of Global Money Week 2021. In particular, the Department of Accounting and Auditing announced a creative competition for university students to write an essay on “Money Matters ?!”. 17 interesting works were submitted by students to participate in the competition. The commission consisting of teachers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing determined the winners of the competition. The best authors of the essay were: Krivich N. (first-degree diploma); Yerokhova M., Romanashenko I. (diploma of the second-degree); Churilova G., Larina A., Strenadko V. (diploma of third-degree). Muravenko D., Syzykova N., and Chebotar E. were awarded diplomas for creative approaches in writing essays.

Congratulations to the winners of the creative competition! We wish them further success in their studies and achievements!

Organizing committee of the competition