On July 16, 2021, a meeting of the primary trade union organization of KhNTUA and consultations on the possible dismissal of employees during the reorganization took place. During the meeting, the chairman of the primary trade union Victor Kis reported on the submission of the chairman of the reorganization commission on the possible dismissal of employees of 4 categories from 22.11.2021. The chairman of the reorganization commission, acting Rector of the State Biotechnology University Ruslan Tikhonchenko, and First Vice-Rector Oleksiy Krasnorutskyy noted that the reorganization is not the liquidation of universities, and SBTU is their full successor. In addition, the commissions for the reorganization of KhNTUA and the administration of SBTU made every effort to minimize possible layoffs. As a result of these efforts, an agreement was reached, embodied in the signed staff list, in which the total dismissal of staff will be only 312 people from all 4 free economic zones, while the composition of scientific and pedagogical staff is preserved in full. The possible reduction will affect only employees of the simplest professions and employees of service departments. After discussing the information provided and asking clarifying questions, the primary trade union organization representatives agreed on quantitative indicators of possible staff reductions, which sent an excerpt from the relevant protocol to the reorganization commission of KhNTUA and the SBTU administration.
Meeting of the primary trade union organization KhNTUA
Kovalev / ХНТУСГ