Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Methodical advice

                                                                            The composition of the methodical councilПХВ

Full nameWork postDepartment
1Chalyi IhorHead of the CouncilDepartment of Cybernetics
2Sherstiuk ValeriiDeputy Head of the BoardDepartment of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production
3Fomina IrynaSecretary worksDepartment of Technology of Processing and Food Production
4Bredykhin VadymBoard memberDirector of the ESI PFP
5Mokromenko OlenaBoard memberDepartment of Language Training
6Netetskyi LeonidBoard memberDepartment of Higher Mathematics
7Pluhatarov ArtemBoard memberDepartment of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics


The work plan of the scientific and methodical council of the ESI PFP of KhNTUA for the first half of the 2019-2020 academic year

The plan of work of the scientific and methodical council of the ESI PFP of KhNTUA for the second half of the 2019-2020 academic year