Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Opening of the John Deere Training Center

Today, October 2, 2018, the John Deere Training Center was opened on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The opening was made possible by the cooperation of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems with the official dealer of John Deere in Ukraine – the company “Agristar”.

John Deere Training Center was created to increase the efficiency of preparing students for agribusiness in the Eastern region of Ukraine. The main task of the training and research center is to coordinate the training of users of modern foreign technology, service managers, and sales managers. To ensure such training, the university cooperates with the heads of well-known domestic and foreign companies, concerns and holdings involved in the preparation and implementation of curricula, reorientation of curricula to increase the share of practical components, large-scale implementation of internship programs with further employment of students.

The event was opened by the Chairman of the Regional Council Serhiy Ivanovych Chernov, who congratulated the university on the creation of a new training center, the introduction of innovative systems of modern education, combined with practical training directly at the enterprises – leaders of agrarian business. In particular, he stressed the importance of this type of cooperation, which is one of the main points of increasing economic growth in the Kharkiv region and throughout Ukraine.

Karpova Larysa, Director of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, noted that the John Deere Training Center was established for the first time at the Agricultural University of Ukraine, as such centers had been opened only in a few European countries (Germany, France, etc.). ) and the United States. Such centers form a completely new level in student training. The Director of the Department stressed that every year more and more companies and enterprises join the development of agricultural and technical education and give future professionals the opportunity to gain high practical skills on modern equipment and with the help of advanced technologies.

Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Alexander Nezdyur paid attention to the importance of education and production, which is facilitated by the opening of modern laboratories and training centers on the basis of educational institutions. He also paid tribute to teachers and entrepreneurs for giving students the opportunity to become highly qualified professionals and increase the achievements of our great country..

Rector of KNTUА, academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences of Environmental Technologies Nanka Oleksandr spoke about the vectors of university development, one of which is the improvement of material and technical base and quality of student training, which is facilitated by cooperation with the world leader in agricultural engineering John Deere. He stressed that this cooperation is already bearing fruit in the form of effective employment of university graduates and the involvement of modern equipment and technology in the educational process.

Oleh Slobodyanyk, Director of AGRISTAR LLC, the official John Deere dealer in Ukraine, stressed the importance of cooperation between business and education for effective development and stressed that today 10% of the company’s employees are university graduates. The head of the personnel management department Anna Matsyuk offered the students an internship program in the company and wished them success in mastering the knowledge.

The head of the Alfa farm in Zolochiv district, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine, deputy of the regional council Bielinski Viktor noted the high reliability of John Deere equipment, which is widely used in his farm and stressed the importance of internships for university students in farms, opportunities for their professional growth after gaining such experience.

Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems, Professor Vlasovets Vitalii, noted that the opening of the educational and scientific center is a fundamentally new page in the almost 90-year history of the institute. John Deere is the market leader in agricultural machinery, with every second piece of machinery in the world manufactured at its plants. Therefore, students in the new center will have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the best world practices, the most innovative solutions, train and learn from leading specialists in Ukraine, but also to create their success story by working for a company with advanced Western management standards.

The partners and guests were met at the training and research center by the head of the department of tractors and cars, Professor Anatolii Lebedev, who is the initiator of the creation of this area at the university. Anatolii in particular told about the history of the department, scientific achievements, and plans for the future.

After cutting the red ribbon, a cooperation agreement was signed between the university and AGRISTAR LLC during the event. Representatives of the two sides noted that the John Deere Training Center will allow education, science, and production to be a united front on the path of development of the agricultural sector of the Kharkiv region.

The opening ceremony was attended by the First Vice-Rector of KNTUА, Professor Mykola Lysychenko. He congratulated all those present on the remarkable event and wished the management of the institute and students inspiration for further fruitful work!

John Deere representative Oleksandr Yushchuk, territorial service manager, noted the prospects for the development of agricultural production using modern equipment and agricultural technologies. In particular, he noted the high level of innovative developments of Ukrainian specialists, which in some cases exceed foreign counterparts..

After the opening of the training and research center, there was a discussion on the integration of scientific developments, agribusiness and education, moderated by the Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Victor Melnyk. As a result of the discussion, new tasks were formulated for further cooperation.

We thank the management of AGRISTAR LLC and hope for further fruitful cooperation.