Disciplines of the department
- Bioenergy in agro-industrial complex
- Dealer Basics
- Processes, basics of construction and design of machines in animal husbandry
- Methods of designing machines for livestock
- Design and calculation of livestock machinery
- Theory and calculation of machines for animal husbandry
- Innovative livestock equipment
- Mathematical modeling of technical systems
- Installation and maintenance of livestock machinery
- Livestock production technology
- Technical systems and technologies of livestock farms
- Basics of animal husbandry animal as a bioobject
- Installation and commissioning of livestock equipment
- Intensification of technological processes in animal husbandry
- Livestock
- Livestock machinery and equipment
- Automated design of technological processes in animal husbandry
- Advanced technologies for the production and processing of livestock products
- Design and construction of agricultural enterprises
- Agribusiness Design
- Patent Science and Copyright
- Robotic systems and complexes
- Automated design of technological processes of agricultural enterprises
- Development of rural and agro-industrial facilities
- Livestock technical systems
- Mechanization of livestock agro-industrial processes
- Microprocessor systems in animal husbandry
- Forestry
- Environmental livestock machinery and equipment
- Modeling of biological processes and systems
- Fundamentals of design and construction