Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Roller of organic fertilizers with active dosing window

Roller of organic fertilizers with active dosing window

The swather has front and rear shields, which are located with an offset in the horizontal plane relative to each other. the swath former has an active working body For continuous flow of the swath from the output window. When moving, the unit on which the swath former is mounted grabs a pile of fertilizer and pushes it forward. Fertilizers, moving on boards, are redistributed, arriving to the active dosing device, and then to the spreader. This eliminates arch formation and allows you to qualitatively form the roll.

Roller of organic fertilizers with active dosing window

Technical indicators:

  • working speed – 2,5…7 km / h;
  • application dose – 10…80 t / ha;
  • type of machine – hinged;
  • productivity – 3,5…9 hа/h;
  • is aggregated with tractors of a traction class – 3,0; 5,0.

Author’s certificate №1738119

Authors of development: Ph.D. Makieiev N., Ph.D. Anikieiev O., eng. Romanashenko O., Krasnorutskyi O., Evsiukov V., Nemtsev A.