Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Development of design and production of a prototype of a roller-spreader of organic fertilizers

Economic contract topic. Agreement № 125-2018 dated 01.10.2018 on the topic: “Development of design and manufacture of a prototype of a roller-spreader of organic fertilizers” with SE “Experimental Farm of the Institute of Agriculture of the North-East NAAS”.

Development of design and production of a prototype of a roller-spreader of organic fertilizers

Performers: scientific supervisor of the topic, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Melnyk V., responsible executors: Ph.D., Assoc. Anikieiev O., Ph.D., Assoc. Tsyhanenko M., docent Romanashenko O., senior teacher Syrovytskyi K., engineer Kachanov V.

Stage І “Substantiation of parameters and development of the design of the prototype of the roller-spreader of solid organic fertilizers. Production of laboratory installation of roller-spreader of organic fertilizers and field tests “.

The economic effect of the application of organic fertilizers for the first stage amounted to 930 thousand UAH.

Stage ІІ “Justification of the parameters of the working bodies of the spreader-spreader, taking into account the results of field tests.”

The economic effect of the application of organic fertilizers for the second stage amounted to 520 thousand UAH.

Stage ІІІ “Production of sketch drawings of a prototype roller-spreader of organic fertilizers.”

The economic effect of the application of organic fertilizers for the third stage amounted to 938 thousand UAH.