Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Participation in the student scientific conference of O.M. Beketov NUUE

Participation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUE

From 23 to 25 April 2019 at the O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv held the XII All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference “Sustainable Urban Development”. The conference was attended by 1,028 students in 38 sections, including 26 students from 6 institutions of higher education in Ukraine and, of course, students of our institute: Berezhnyi Serhii and Huzhyn Mykola (4th year).

   At the beginning of the conference all participants were greeted by the Vice-Rector for Research of O.M. Beketov NUUE Professor Sukhonos M.

   Our students presented reports on the topic: “The use of frequency-controlled drive in compressor installations” (supervisor Assistant of the Department of AEMS Huzenko Vitalii).

Participation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUEParticipation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUE

   The performances of students, as assessed by the commission consisting of the head of the department and teachers, were at a high level. Reports were accompanied by presentations. As a result of the conference, our students received diplomas for good preparation of the report.

Participation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUEParticipation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUE

Participation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUEParticipation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUEParticipation in the student scientific conference of  O.M. Beketov NUUE

We sincerely wish further success to students and their supervisor assistant Huzenko Vitalii!