Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Results of the monitoring of the 2020 introductory campaign

The State Quality Service of Education of Ukraine monitored (studied) the organization and conduct of the admission campaign by institutions of higher and professional higher education. A feature of this year’s monitoring was the issue of compliance with the requirements for the minimum price of contract training (indicative cost), set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 160 institutions.

In the introductory campaign of 2020, 1227 educational institutions were recruited for higher and (or) professional higher education, including 492 educational institutions that are separate structural units (SEUs) and have a separate account in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

The course of organizing and conducting the introductory campaign is studied:Results of the monitoring of the 2020 introductory campaign

  • 775 state-owned educational institutions;
  • 197 educational institutions of communal and corporate forms of ownership;
  • 225 privately owned educational institutions.

During the monitoring, attention was paid to issues:

  • timeliness and completeness of the download to the Unified State Electronic Database on Education of the Rules of Admission by Educational Institutions Recruiting in 2020 for Higher and/or Professional Higher Education;
  • relevance and availability of information for entrants about admission commissions;
  • availability of information on the websites of educational institutions and their separate structural units about the course of the introductory campaign of 2020;
  • realization of the right of entrants to the rural coefficient when calculating the competitive score;
  • organization of admission for foreign citizens in order to obtain higher and professional higher education;
  • activities of educational institutions to establish indicative cost.

More — в інформаційно-аналітичній довідці за результатами вивчення Державною службою якості освіти України організації та проведення закладами вищої та фахової передвищої освіти вступної кампанії 2020 року.

Source: State Education Quality Service.